cultural identity issues

Concerns with racial and cultural identity cover a wide variety of topics. Included in this group are race, culture, sexual orientation, ethnicity and/or disability, to name a few. One’s culture can greatly influence one’s worldview and the way in which they interact with others. This can occur in both positive and negative ways.

If you or a loved one has or is currently experiencing race-related identity or discrimination issues, please reach out to Dr. Nisha today.

Dr. Nisha is a highly talented, experienced, and compassionate counselor that can help. She has a proved track record of helping those experiencing racial and cultural identity and discrimination issues overcome, and she would love to hear from you to learn how she can help.

Discrimination and Stigmas

People from various cultural groups may be discriminated against or stereotyped because of their differences from the majority culture. Historically speaking, Native-Americans, African-Americans, the LGBT community and others have experienced disproportionate levels of stress related to their cultural identities. Racial and minority groups continue to be persecuted in many parts of the world.

If you have emigrated from one country to another or are a refugee, differences in cultural norms, language and traditions of your new country can be very confusing or upsetting. There can be trauma associated with this, especially if you have fled a dangerous or unstable country.

Negative Effects

  • Increased rates of diabetes, obesity and hypertension
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Increased risk of alcohol, tobacco and polysubstance abuse
  • Early onset of illness in response to consistent chronic stress

Multicultural Competency

Some people may experience added comfort in seeking a therapist who belongs to one or more of the same minority groups that they do; however your therapist doesn’t have to belong to your same cultural group to be able to help you. Most therapists receive training or education on cultural competence and multicultural counseling as a requirement of their graduate programs.

A therapist who specializes in multicultural issues can help you determine whether the problem is related to adjustment and/or stems from an underlying mental health condition. It is important for the therapist to explore any possible cultural differences between you and themselves and how that may impact the therapeutic relationship.


  • LBGT individuals are at an increased risk for psychiatric issues compared to heterosexuals due to stigma resulting from discrimination.
  • Racial and ethnic minorities have health that is worse overall than the health of White Americans. Health disparities may stem from economic determinants, education, geography and neighborhood, environment, lower-quality care, inadequate access to care, inability to navigate the system, provider ignorance/bias and/or stress.

Types of Counseling

Individual counseling provides the opportunity to explore and discuss your concerns with your therapist in a one on one setting. You may also wish to explore group therapy or support groups, in which you are able to receive feedback and support from other members of your cultural or racial group(s).

The stressful impact of racial and cultural identity concerns is real and valid. Please know that you are not alone in this. You can contact us today to learn more about how you can start to heal from the trauma you have experienced.

How Counseling Can Help

Dr. Nisha is highly trained to practice empathy and non-judgment. She is experienced in helping counseling individuals experiencing racial or cultural issues affecting their lives. Within a safe and private environment, you can discuss issues related to race and culture without fear.

Regardless of the type of cultural concern you are experiencing, your therapist can help to guide you towards a place where you are able to cope and function in a healthier and more productive manner.

Contact Dr. Nisha Todi today to get started with your free consultation.